It is believed that the water buffalo were first domesticated for farm use in China around 4,500 years ago.
Around 2,000 years ago the ox or buffalo was included as part of the Chinese Zodiac to reflect their revered status in traditional Chinese culture.
Revered for its strength and resilience, the buffalo has been a symbol of hard work and endurance, often featured in agricultural life. It has played a crucial role in farming, particularly in rice paddies, and is frequently depicted in Chinese art, literature, and folklore as a symbol of perseverance and prosperity. The buffalo’s enduring presence in Chinese culture reflects its vital contribution to the livelihood and traditions of the people.
Shang dynasty jade buffalo carving from around the 11th Century
The first known mention of water buffalo in Hong Kong dates back to the early 19th century, when buffalo were supporting agricultural development, particularly in rice farming. These animals were well-suited to the region’s wetland environments, and their hardiness made them invaluable for plowing fields and maintaining water levels in paddy fields. Over time, the buffalo population in Hong Kong grew, particularly in areas like South Lantau, where they became an integral part of the local agricultural landscape.
In the decades that followed, the buffalo became more than just a working animal; it became a symbol of rural life in Hong Kong, featured in local customs and traditions. However, as urbanization expanded in the 20th century, the role of buffalo in farming diminished. Today, while their presence is more limited, they remain an important part of Hong Kong’s natural heritage, with efforts to preserve the remaining herds in certain rural areas.
The Last 2 Buffalo in Hong Kong? A Celebration of Hong Kong Heritage or a Monument to the AFCD Eradication Policy?
Buffalo continue to play an important role in Hong Kong culture and society. Two bronze statues have stood guarding the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since the 1980’s.
However the AFCD have taken a different view, dismissing any cultural or heritage value, describing the buffalo as ‘feral’ and as ‘pests. Dr Thomas Sit, the current Assistant Director (Inspection and Quarantine) with oversight of the Animal Welfare Operations Division (AWOD), in 2006, stated that:
“stray cattle/buffaloes do not have conservation value” – Dr Thomas Sit, Deputy Director AFCD – 14 November 2006
although he did go on to say his administration would:
“continue to work through the working groups on Lantau Island to reduce the number of stray cattle/buffaloes and maintain it at a sustainable level.”
However as recently as November 2024, in a meeting of the Animal Welfare Advisory Group (AWAG) Dr Sit reconfirmed his opinion to the group that the bovine of Hong Kong have no cultural or conservation value.
Source: SLO Website
Buffalos and Cattle Egrets – the inseparable pairs
The importance of the buffalo in the broader ecosystem is emphasized in the SLO’s article ‘Buffalos and Cattle Egrets – the inseparable pairs‘. Eradicate the buffalo and the Eastern Cattle Egrets would no longer be a celebrated feature of the Hong Kong ecology. If the buffalo were eradicated, the Eastern Cattle Egrets would no longer be a prominent feature of Hong Kong’s ecology. It is surprising that the government department with ‘Conservation’ in its title fails to recognise the interconnectedness of ecological systems.
Logically, given that the AFCD is the public body entrusted with the conservation of the Hong Kong ecology, it should fall under the remit of the Conservation team within the AFCD. However the AFCD remain adamant their position and hence their approach will not change. It is hard to understand why the public are funding a department that does not have alignment with the wider department policy and sees no value in what they have been tasked to manage. This is a clear misuse of public money.
We welcome the Ombudsman’s investigation of the points mentioned above, with the aim of proposing recommendations that will align government departments, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better serve the broader public interests of the citizens of Hong Kong.